Inflatable tanning tent

By David
In Blog
Jun 14th, 2013

tannedI have finally tried it!! Now my opinion… It isn’t as fast as the pop up tanning cubicle, but i find you have time to talk to your client while this is inflating and deflating. First of all you have a plastic sheet that needs to go down to prevent any punchers. While inflating the tent you need to also hold the tent up. The electric pump sits in the hole fine and it wen’t up quickly. It doesn’t go down once you take the electric pump out so that’s a bonus! I don’t find the tent to have much room in it, there is also a plastic sheet over the top. If you were to put your arm up you would hit it. That is the only form of light that enters the tent, well apart from the front where you spray. It says that, that allows maximum light into the tent. Now for the deflating… It’s so easy to use, deflates quickly, easy to fold up and put back away. Bit noisy but what part of spray tanning isn’t? I may buy one of these to try keep up to date, but i’m going to keep looking around to see if there is a different one

6 Responses to “Inflatable tanning tent”

  1. olivia says:

    I would be concerned as to the height of the tent, also natural light is a biggy for me. I have just read another one of your Blogs from March –
    Now this is the future! Have you actually tested the other one? Its washable, seems taller than this one, more natural light oh and did I say its washable?!
    Sorry bendy but I think your days are numbered… 😉
    – Olivia xx

  2. Tanya Hyde says:

    The washable tent hasn’t been tried out yet, but I will be looking into trying one. Height and natural light is a big thing for me too. I haven’t gone and bought this yet as I still want to try others. I think these are going to be popular though

    • sophie-jones says:

      I want one!!! But I will wait until you try them all before I buy lol x

      • Tanya Hyde says:

        I want to try the machine washable blow up tent next. I think that will be more beneficial for everyone. Especially when your a busy salon owner, it would be much easier to put the tent in the washing machine.

  3. olivia says:

    I look forward to your review Tanya Hyde. The machine-washable tent does sound brilliant! – Olivia xx

  4. courtney says:

    I have had 2 pop-ups and now on my 3rd, all down to me folding them wrong in a hurry resulting in the tent leaning :@ I think this is a god send! 🙂

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