How much do you charge love?

By Maxine Brown
In Blog
May 9th, 2013

pinkOk so this discussion is not so much about how much you charge for your personal services 😉 but how much you charge for your tans…?
I am asked at least a few times a week for average tanning prices. My advice is always the same ‘your price should be dependent on your local competitors prices’ (though I would not recommend getting into a price match war as they can get silly)

I do think it may help if we did have a discussion on what you, my lovely fellow tanners, are charging so please post your response answering the following;

How much do you charge per spray – in salon?
how much do you charge per spray – mobile?
what area do you cover?

This is simply advice, if what you charge gets you repeat custom and you are making a profit then you’re doing something right 🙂

7 Responses to “How much do you charge love?”

  1. Tanya Hyde says:

    Salon- £15

  2. Ann Utter says:

    I have two different solutions in my salon so i charge £10 for the lower coasting and £20 for the more expensive.

  3. Alison Bridge says:

    £20.00 – I cover a 10 mile radius mobile only, and make a charge outside of this for petrol. I get loads of repeat business and referrals. There are cheaper therapists in my area, but that doesn’t bother me. I believe if you offer a good service people will pay extra.

    • Tanya Hyde says:

      Exactly what i think. No one will come back to you if your rude, but if your polite and talkative you strike up a bond and that beats anything

  4. Kelly says:

    £20 mobile in Kent

  5. Janet Tyrie says:

    Lot of competition in my area so charge £10 normally (in salon) but at present on special offer at £8 during summer/prom time. This is bringing in a lot of extra/new clients who hopefully will come back.

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