Maximist Evolution TNT review

By David
In Blog
Sep 4th, 2013

We have this week had the pleasure of receiving 3 x Maximist Evolution TNT for review / testing.

We sent the 3 units out to 3 experienced highly critical therapists

Jo – (home tanner outside of her regular 9-5 job – 7 years experience – Currently uses an airbrush unit)
“The best features are the different speed/mist variations and I love the fact you can dry yourself with it straight after being sprayed…I have in the past asked clients to stand for 10 mins with a hairdryer! It’s also sooo light and easy to handle/use. Quick set up was a no brainer, simple on off switch and push on hose.
Application is thorough without much over spray at all! I used it for the first time 10 days ago and my tan is still on!
I wouldn’t change ANYTHING about the unit
This Maximist Unit is by far one of the easiest machines ever to use, delivers an amazing all over even longer lasting tan. I LOVE IT! Very highly recommended!.”evo-with-hosebranding

Sally – (salon based therapist currently using a Maximist Evolution Helia 2.0 machine with 6 years experience)

“applicator –
It is great to see a quick ‘Turn and Twist’ and the applicator is ready for action.
Drying the client off is something I’ve always done by simply taking the gun off the hose but this is a much lower noise level and looks like its fit for purpose to the client (better than just waving a hose in their face) it has a handle you can keep on to dry the client. The handle is comfortable with easy flow adjustments behind the trigger its not rocket science and no degree needed!
3 applicators! Just what I need in my salon. My current unit has 3 cups which is great but having to simply twist on a new ready to use applicator is better. Means I have backups too!
Motor –
Simple on off switch and easy to understand pressure dial at the rear makes it appealing. Good dense filters at either side, so much better than previous materials. Disappointed the filters are not listed as washable so replacements are needed.” twistdemo 2blow2

Maxine –
“well I couldn’t let the opportunity to have a play with a new unit pass me by could I?!
On appearance alone the unit looks great, no need for high polished glitter finish the unit is just what the therapist needs. Dial at the rear of the unit to adjust the air pressure – I found it best at medium to high setting. The noise level is affected with the pressure setting so this would be great if one of the girls is doing a nice relaxing massage in the next room. Simple on off switch and your ready.The applicator is nice and chunky making you feel completely in control. Made from light weight plastic so weight is not an issue. The innovative TNT feature is great! 3 applicators means I not only can I quickly switch from one solution to another without the need of decanting solution back into bottle, rinsing the gun etc but also means I can have a gun on my setting and other therapists whom use different settings can have a gun to call their own ready on their setting too.
THIS will save me time!
Cleaning the applicator could not be any simpler with instructions to simply rinse the pick up tube and spray though Maximists gun cleaner.
I cannot find fault with the new unit Maximist, you’ve clearly listened to what we therapists want and delivered!

[amazon_link asins=’B00N4VGQRI,B015J3IYSW,B01N1F7W4K,B01CUM9G2I,B018U9UYK8′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’spraytan’ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’b6aeecbe-cdf8-11e7-b35b-b39bc7a54605′]

7 Responses to “Maximist Evolution TNT review”

  1. BettyBoopDoinTheDoop says:

    I currently use the Maximist Lite and think its fab! Its small and very lightweight. Business is picking up so perhaps I’ll invest in this little beauty! Thanks 🙂

    • Tanya Hyde says:

      Honestly BettyBoopDoinTheDoop, best machine ever! The Lite is from the same brand, so i guess its your favorite toy! This is the next one up from the Lite and not a lot of price difference either from what the person told me on the phone. The Lite is for very light use so when i said i have a busy salon they said this will be fine. How busy are you with spray tans?

    • kiss-my-tan says:

      Is the Lite best for starting up? x

      • Tanya Hyde says:

        I would say the Lite would be best for starting up as it’s not expensive, small and lightweight. I wouldn’t go any bigger until your tans get more popular

        • kiss-my-tan says:

          Well I am only starting up due to popular demand of the tan so I will go for the Lite. But still stuck on a solution. Think I will go for LA Tanning….

  2. Ann Utter says:

    I’ve not seen this machine before! How has it been since you have had it? Think i need to upgrade. Had my unit for about 4 years lol.

    • Tanya Hyde says:

      It’s a new machine and very reliable. No problems with it at all. If your machine is not giving you hassle then there’s no need to upgrade. But when you do i would suggest this one. I got the Helia addition which has a quick connect hose which means it locks to the gun, so no more blow outs! I could go on and on about this machine but i will just wait for you to try it 🙂

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